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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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israel's poised for a full scale invasion of gaza while fresh air strikes allegedly killed more civilians amid international peace efforts struggling at the moment. sirens and explosions echo across the tell of the for the second time in twenty four hours the longest range rocket attacks yet all the details just ahead. considers the lifting of an e.u. arms embargo to send a weapons are to syrian rebels and may join france and turkey in recognizing the new opposition group meant to oust assad. by the police in england and wales raise the alarm as the layoffs are growing that workload and no support from the government bring in the force to an unprecedented low.
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world news live from moscow this is r.t. with me rory sushi welcome to the program fresh air strikes have allegedly killed two more palestinians in gaza despite israel's pledge to hold fire during a brief visit by the egyptian prime minister to the strip more militant rockets are being launched in retaliation sirens and a loud explosion of just been heard in tel aviv that's exactly where our correspondent tom barton is right now let's cross to him live tom good to see you this is the second time in less than two hours that television has been targeted any word on casualties at the moment. at the moment no. not any concrete information from what we know two rockets like yesterday were
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fired up towards from gaza they managed to reach all the way close enough for. here in our in our office to hear them the sirens wailing out over the city which sent people running for the shelters police sources say there are no reports of those rockets landing in built up areas they apparently landed in in fields near the city as the rockets did yesterday. a very again a very unexpected event these are the longest range rocket attacks that of ever being managed from from gaza and by sending people running to those shelters really sending some moments of panic through through television if perhaps affecting the resolve of the israeli defense forces and the israeli people to perhaps escalate this conflict to a ground attack. now tom let's talk about what we're going witnessing here on r t
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basically swelling of ground troops and armor on the carriers armored vehicles as well along the gaza border it looks like israel's poised to launch some sort of ground invasion or any word on that. well it seems the u.s. that tanks and troops there's been a lot of reports of them massing near the border with gaza we know that thirty thousand reservists are ready to be called up if necessary also more recently the visit of egypt's prime minister to the garza strip that was supposed to have been accompanied by a truce but hardly really got off the ground it was broken by both sides almost immediately airstrikes by the israeli air force reportedly killing to those bodies brought into the hospital as the egyptian and hamas prime ministers were
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visiting it. prime minister saying that he couldn't keep silent. but israel must stop this aggression and also rockets in rocket fire intensifying out of gaza including these are these rocket strikes near tel aviv there are other reports of rockets landing near a hotel in the south of israel a lot of sirens going off there as well all of this a dashing hopes are least reducing the hopes of the possible mission of egypt's prime minister to try and broker a cease fire we hear that tune is us foreign minister is also on the way to guard in a mission of solidarity as well as that disappointing possible failure of those cease fire talks also re ratcheting up the pressure and perhaps pushing israel
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towards that much feared ground invasion rather like two thousand and eight to nine operation cast lead it was called back then that led to nearly one and a half thousand deaths inside the gaza strip as israeli troops and tanks entered that territory there was a shortly after that the u.n. came out with a goldstone report illegibly putting war crimes against israel for that offensive so we'll see how it plays out are to tell of you thank you. but israel does maintain it's conducting a successful operation despite the rising number of civilian casualties in gaza just a bit earlier here on r.t. i spoke to a term of even official who denied causing any collateral damage. i want to see that we have only one goal israel has to defend its citizens i'm sure that there is no state no state no russia and no state in europe and no united states of
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america can agree with this kind of situation you know our children our elders are fired by rockets on our schools on our civilians and only terrorists with one very simple goal to stop this firing of rockets from our civilians and we will target terrorists and stop would you care to explain why the palestinian interior ministry has also been targeted in fact that building is basically left in a state of rubble and ruin that's hardly a militant stronghold in fact the interior ministry is where people get passports visas it's where journalists get their permission to go into the strip why go after why level the interior ministry the explanation is very simple unfortunately a masked terrorists while they target our civilians they hide behind their civilians they hide behind schools now the i.d.f. our army that wants only to defend our citizens targets only terrorists garson is
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an extremely confined area a very small area probably certainly overpopulated why are so many children being killed by israeli airstrikes if you're going after militants there are no children been heard by idea if only terrorists heard in only terrorists targeted while the visit of. the prime minister of egypt israel didn't fry and didn't attack any target in gaza but a master is the target israeli civilians while the visit of the prime minister of egypt and i suggest you check the information because there it cannot be. people hurt while the visit of the prime minister of egypt because we didn't also doing i'll certainly get i will show you my information you are absolutely right according to the i.d.f. no airstrikes were carried out on the gaza strip jur in the during the visit of the
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egyptian prime minister although somehow two palestinians did manage to die the israeli army and the israeli government will do everything needed targeting terrorists only terrorists to stop the firing of rockets from israeli cities don't because really schools is really children and if we will need some ground operation we definitely will consider how mass is vowing to keep fighting as long as the attacks continue let's have a quick listen here to the prime minister speaking in just a little bit earlier please stand by. we will never forget the blood of our martyrs and the blood of our leaders this holy blood will not go without a response the great palestinian nation which has sacrificed martyrs for generations will never forget the hamas movement which now million support will never forget the blood of its martyrs it is more than ten years that fire rockets
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were serious on our schools and our citizens and we all the time only react to defend we don't provoke and we don't attack believe me there is no provocation from the israeli side only one simple goal to be safe to have safe and peaceful life we want our children to go safely and peacefully to schools and leave safely that's all. get some reaction from middle east expert tariq lead joining us live here on the program a big welcome to you thanks for coming out and claiming it's now launched a rocket at the israeli parliament building in jerusalem i suppose one severe question would be house television supposed to stand down i suppose under such circumstances well look we have to. extra lohse this i am tired and fed up of hearing is really spokesman affectively lying through their teeth when they go on global television networks and we should not accept these. groups systematically
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you know we have seen for. the same arguments coming out what is the situation the situation is very clear but palestinian territories are occupied by the israeli government they will not go there they will not even give gaza independence it can't even have its airport be constantly provoking you can see this in the casualties of the casualties in. gaza on the one did a few days ago. are the same as casualties in israel for the last three years so there is no equal ot no comparison between the two it is a colonise issue process and the colonised so it is targeting the colonizers and have it a lot to be said that you know of provocations on both sides here but for now the tel aviv maintains that it is simply just going after hamas but there are militant
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groups other militant groups that is the end garza one of them being islamic jihad also claiming responsibility for launching a rocket a tele viva last night it is how must calling the shots or not we know will hamas was effectively. in negotiations with the israelis the guy they bumped off and killed. from us was engaged in negotiations with the israelis and trying to prevent disease fire from breaking down this is been published now on some american websites the daily beast for example so we know exactly what was going on and the israelis ended that process by targeting an. killing him and the united states and a number of western european countries have supported the targeting and killing of this hamas leader that is now what has provoked the situation further but to even imagine that hamas has the million creative ability to. defeat the six
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largest army in the world a country with nuclear weapons is utterly ludicrous unless and until the israeli government and its backers in the west understand there something has to change they. cannot be created as a mentor forever this is going to stop you yourself said earlier what operational cast lead cost the. gazans garside is one point seven million people it's a ghetto and is really should understand what life you know go to it means if you are if i am so i sort of jump in i do apologize for interrupting i'm low on time here but one question that people are not i'm not asking and i do want to get out to you just just before i lose time here i mean is that the fire five rockets or some of these short or medium range rockets that the militants are using out of
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gaza are supposed to be made by iran could it could israel try to capitalize on that in some way well that would be very foolish to do so i mean you have been in kid bubble of totally ending the situation in their own region for them to take on another country would be completely crazy if but they're capable of it one can't totally exclude it i live from london a middle east expert tariq ali joining us here in r.t. very many thanks. well britain makes a push to support the rebels in syria london hosts the new opposition alliance enjoins france and calls to lift an e.u. weapons involved go to allow for direct deliveries to the fighters on the ground. plus law and order in dire straits after a short break here on r.t. we look at how british police morale is at rock bottom of the government cuts leave the fight against crime in limbo.
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things are just getting too expensive in london many families just can't afford to live in the city anymore so because of upcoming welfare cuts the government is buying or renting property to relocate people outside of the city the maximum housing allowance for welfare will go down to four hundred pounds a month which is peanuts compared to the one thousand two hundred fifty pounds need to pay for the average three room apartment expelling the poor from london seems a bit fishy to me so instead of say regulating prices or cock for big using the money from the welfare cuts to create jobs so people can earn a living for themselves rather than rely on handouts london has decided to make itself some official get to. what is to call a place where everyone from a certain economic classes forcibly shove to although this may sound like some sort
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of help from the government it seems to me like a means to get rid of the poor rather than trying to make the poor less poor but that's just my opinion. culture is the same i should have been a huge musician minding the market again jumping into a military assault would you be israelis hope to achieve this time four years ago an invasion pulled over a thousand palestinians. a
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pleasure to have you with us here on r.t. today or research show that western nations have begun a crusade of support for the syrian rebels a part of the says it will discuss the lifting of an arms embargo to start funneling weapons to the opposition by france the first country to recognize the newly formed anti regime alliance the national coalition is also pushing for supplies of quote defensive arms a syrian opposition is now in london lobbying for more support to overthrow the assad government britain wants to see a clear plan of political transition from the alliance and could be next in line to officially recognize the new group just a day ago turkey gave the rebels
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a major boost by recognizing them as the legitimate representative of the country's people let's get more on this now from a syrian affairs commentator joining us live from london good to see you thanks for coming on the program today how inclined do you think european nations will be to be giving the green light to direct weapon supplies to the opposition. but there has been a major rebranding if the. coalition. of the. truly want to do that will basically a whole new government was established you know over the. one which is the sooner you don't look at. who is believed to be much for your image and. easy to fall with regards to your question the the western governments who no be able to start. the.
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rebels. consider this is a legitimate representative of the syrian people and soon it is the only. you know the syrian people we don't freeze in many. ways now president obama is saying that america is only interested in encouraging the most moderate elements of the opposition that are committed to human rights and how genuine these words after the events we saw in libya. again this is part of the i mean we with regards to the new video that we are seeing now. you know on the surface basically we are led to believe that the plan for uniting the opposition has been suggested by the former dissident in. detail the people that this is syrian bread and butter the head of the syrian national coalition there was a little there was a lot of emphasis on these previous studies as
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a in mumble you may have missed this is to tell syrians that there is a person who can lead you can actually germane two sides of the equation the religious part and the mubarak there is also emphasizes on the previously. famous political families lonely a classy family basically this is very much in line of work to present the obama said they're trying to rebrand this as not a whole lot of organization but a sort of moderate organization in order to tell not only the. debate in the west but also the syrian consumers of this new product which is the same product which is again to try and topple the current syrian government whatever the cause may be this is a this is a. problem we're having or this new coalition is adding obviously is that the only employee of the the employers of this new department so to speak i really want but the syrian border is in the syrian taxpayers that i'm out of work i'm terribly
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sorry we've got a really bad sound issue here i think we're suffering from a overmodulated microphone commentator i'm out of a car for trying to reestablish that connection with you very shortly thank you for your patience thanks for coming on. now the u.n. yugoslavia war crimes court in the hague has freed through former croatian generals according them of all charges including crimes against humanity and. work jailed the last year. the twenty four and eighteen years respectively charged with killing hundreds of subs during the breakup of yugoslavia in ninety five and they appealed their side to says in may distributing to the ethical targeted civilians political analyst alexander believes that this verdict reveals a true double standard. really for the team trying to have an. all be. very very benign you. through where there.
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are military officers maximum are there. are necessary no one really would rather get iraq in the way. and all realities were already with regard to the already tribunal of the progress i don't get a lot of the iraqi. tribunal and. community groups renamed already there are. all going on there are pretty much. you watching on t.v. now the first of a public vote in england and wales for local police and crime commission as comes with morale among the nation's lower and forces at rock bottom a recent poll of offices suggested that almost every single one of them felt abandoned by the government or smith looks at why the thin blue line was the blues . another day another demo and the police all with old hands to keep control
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but while the boys and girls in blue do their jobs sometimes it impossible conditions the government is reducing their budget by a massive twenty percent the net result more all in the force hits an all time low with just fifteen out of fourteen thousand officers saying they feel the government gives them a great deal of support rachel baines is surprised but not in a good way. to say those fifteen offices are certainly in the force i work in lancashire and i don't have any offices to fill not been supported by the government that rock bottom baines has lost five hundred fifty officers from her force meaning more work for those left behind and a genuine fear that when people call nine nine nine there won't be anyone left to deal with the emergency and she's not alone so i'm in pain is chair of the war except police federation and says morale hasn't been this low in his twenty six
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year career we have a plethora of issues over the last two years where the start or conditions of service pension reforms or were for forms of the police service person twenty percent cuts and for give an example here in work prior to this government coming to power we had a thousand and fifty offices we're now down into the seven hundreds we have one of the biggest meit's way networks in the country and we have no traffic department. so it's coming from all sides times are so hard in war that the force is even selling off it stations including its h.q. there's no for sale boards up here but the iconic scotland yard headquarters of the metropolitan police is also on the markets it's a real turnaround it's just a. years ago they met with trumpeting a three million pound refurbish it spain was revolving starting now it's downsizing
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to a new size of the tens nearby and replacing smaller stations with counters in supermarkets and communities that is the force feels it's being disproportionately targeted at home secretary to reason may is unrepentant let's stop pretending the police are being picked on they do you feel picked on and critically powerless to protect themselves as a legally the police aren't allowed to strike but that could change in february we are saying everyone can fall off the rank of chief inspector in england and wales and the very question is do they want full industry rights and and the reason that is important is because our members need protecting from what they perceive is an unfair treatment by by this government a police force on strike it's the last thing the government needs particularly as
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it stares another winter of discontent in the face laura smith r.t. london. now at least seven hundred thousand u.s. citizens have signed online petitions calling for their states to peacefully separate from the union they're unhappy with president obama's recent reelection to the white house activist keith preston things talk of breaking away is gaining momentum because american society is increasingly torn apart with political and cultural divisions. but question is whether the united states in its present form is sustainable for an indefinite period of time there are many people who would say no that's certainly not the case because when you look at things like the fiscal the economic bankruptcy of the united states we look at its military overseas military empire and the question of military overstretch we look at the ever more divisive cultural and social and ethnic issues that are currently plaguing our
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society we look at the widening class divisions that we see going on as well and we spoke we see is a society that in many ways is becoming ever more divided over time along all sorts of cultural and economic and demographic lines so unless you believe that the united states can continue in that kind of direction for an indefinite period of time it's certainly plausible to start taking a look at alternatives like succession and maybe scaling back into smaller political units of the type that some of these movements like the second from vermont republic advocate it's good to have you with us here on r.t. today just a second air on a pillar of eleanor's guest on cross talk analyzing the escalating violence in gaza .
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looters that takes your breath away few tourists travel to these parts no prepackaged confort but they join the wild these guaranteed if gainey is a zoology professor he works in the u.s. and travels to these remote areas in russia every summer as he says he come find untouched landscapes like they say anywhere else in the world. we're going off the list below to see a line if i go in the wrong the wrong and the pricing will go through to the water and so we did. one animal whose par you definitely wouldn't want to shake here is the brown bear and you can literally spot a grizzly here by every small river. where the bears are fishing but they have a very concise well to be able to see that we have to keep an eye a wind direction and the distance between them and also told i could be dangerous so we're going just a shell but this record. and quiet we went but the wind was not on
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our side and the bear got away another local resident to haiti's peace being disturbed here is the kalar is sea eagle it has a wingspan of two and a half meters it nests only here in russia far east because of the bundles of salmon and seagulls which feed the giant bird in his studies if gainey focuses on birds so he took me to one of his favorite places here the island it has the biggest colony of seagulls in the region. the climb back up was tough but the prize was worth it. maybe for the wildlife here the lack of physical resist for the better but plain you stand on top of phenomenal and like this you just cantelupe wanting to share the beauty.
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and if you. still. want to. hello and welcome to crossfire i'm peter lavelle again gaza is under military assault what do the israelis hope to achieve this time around four years ago an invasion called over a thousand palestinians and destroyed much of the strips infrastructure in the end hamas remained intact in gaza still under siege what can the israelis do now that they haven't done before. and it. started. to cross the events unfolding in gaza i'm joined by harry fear in gaza he is a documentary.


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